Lev Uden Vold provides legal advisory services in the areas of intimate partner violence and domestic violence.
Our legal advice targets professionals who call us on behalf of a victim of violence with specific legal questions relating to intimate partner violence.
Contact our legal advisory services at juridisk@levudenvold.dk or phone +45 3118 4441. This service is open to receive phone calls Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 am – 3 pm. Outside these time periods, you can send an email that will be answered as soon as possible.
For legal advice of a more general nature, contact Lev Uden Vold’s hotline, which is open 24/7 at tel. 1888.
If you are a victim, perpetrator or a relative
If you are a victim of violence, a perpetrator of violence or a relative we advise you to contact our hotline for legal advise. Our hotline counsellors can provide assistance of a general legal nature and talk to you about your current situation. They can also refer you to a legal counsellor if necessary.
You can call our hotline 24 hours a day on tel. 1888.
Practical information on our legal advisory services
All contacts with our legal advisory services are registered to enable Lev Uden Vold to learn more about the target groups using these services and about which legal areas are most frequently inquired about. The registration is completely anonymous, which is why individuals cannot be identified based on the statistics.
Lev Uden Vold’s legal advisors must observe confidentiality (pursuant to Article 24 of the Istanbul Convention), but at the same time, they are bound by an ordinary duty of notification (pursuant to Section 154 of the Social Services Act). This means that a legal advisor is under an obligation to notify the municipality if he/she learns that a child under 18 is being subjected to abuse or is living in conditions that endanger the child’s health or development.
As a general rule, your phone number will be visible to our legal advisor, unless you actively try to hide it. We will only call you back if this is agreed, or if you have left a message stating that you want us to call you.
If you prefer complete anonymity, you can always hide your number by changing the phone settings or entering #31# before the number when you call.
You can find instructions in how to phone with a hidden number under 'Sikkerhed, tavshedspligt og underretning’ (security, confidentiality and notification) on Mødrehjælpen’s website.
The advice is available in English or through an interpreter if this is required. A face-to-face meeting can be arranged if needed.
Other advisory services
You can get help and advice concerning intimate partner violence 24/7 by calling our national hotline. Read more about the national hotline here.